Our Business Philosophy
To make income by making positive eco and socio impact.
Focusing on financial revenue as well as positive society-wide benefits.
Our Business Philosophy
To make income by making positive eco and socio impact.
Focusing on financial revenue as well as positive society-wide benefits.

The Challenge at Hand

The age-old craft of Ikat making is in jeopardy.

Artisans in the Ferghana Valley are facing immense challenges due to the high costs of production and diminished demand in the face of overwhelming competition from mass-produced textiles.

Without intervention, this invaluable part of our cultural heritage risks disappearing, taking with it the livelihoods of countless skilled craftsmen and women.

Our Mission

is to support Uzbek artisans by promoting their art and crafts and seeking new economic markets for them.

Core Values
People over Profit
Compliance with labor laws and respect for human rights, cultivating healthy work culture and prioritizing employee satisfaction. Ensuring better prices and a fair deal for artisans and workers in Uzbekistan.
Business Integrity and Transparency
Doing right things and acting according to moral values no matter what.
Being open and honest about all levels of production and organization chain.
Taking care of Nature
Reducing pressure on the environment, Waste Prevention, advocating for conscious and Responsible Consumption, not using manipulative advertisements.
Social Responsibility
Giving back to community in forms of different Social Initiatives and Projects.
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